I’m very proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish in the time that we’ve been working together. We achieved this in total of 32 weeks, of those 32 weeks, the first 12 were spent at maintenance calories. 20 weeks in a deficit while utilizing 48 hour refeeds every 6 days. Mike actually managed to make substantial improvements in his body composition, training performance, and optimizing his general health in those 12 weeks we spent at maintenance calories. He only dropped 5LBS, in that timeframe, BUT In that period of time… it allowed us to lay down the framework for the dieting phase to come. The goal is simple, in optimizing general health (e.g. stress management, sleep quantity/quality, digestive health, mental health, etc..) it will make it easier to get from Point A to Point B.. NOT only did it make it easier for us to achieve faster fat loss, but he felt good in the process. If you’re driving a car with a broken windshield, flat tires, no gas, do you think that car will successfully get you to your destination? Or will you have to get everything fixed, before it can successfully do so? Same premise here. Awesome part about this all is we didn’t achieve this with any crazy restrictions with his foods, or wacky training protocols. He was still able to flex that balance muscle for celebrations, events, and vacations while making progress. Mike just wrapped up a Diet Break. Now that we’re at the tail end of his dieting phase a total of -35lbs later, we will begin to lay down the foundation for a successful gaining phase. Kudos MIKE!! You put in the work and your transformation speaks for itself. Time to grow!